Installtion of office computers, servers and company networks

Computer networks are the basis for communication

Informationen has to be on the right time on the right destination in the best quality available - doesn't matter if it's documents, images or applications. Speed, security and availability are most important for an effectrive IT structure.

LAN, WAN und darüber hinaus

IT networks - depending on the requirements - are setup individual.

LAN (Local Area Network)
Local communication networks in a small geographic areas are consisting of servers, clients, network operating systems, a uniform protocol and network cables and communication lines.

WAN (Wide Area Network)
In a wide are network computers are aligned on long distance. WAN is the backbone between local networks. As a port transmiting computer like bridges, routes and gateways are used.

What is a Proxy-Server?

A Proxy-Server receives network enquiries and also contect via your own IP-Adress to other destinatios. The server creates a certain anonymity as it hides the true identaty of internal communication partners.

A Proxy-Server can analyse network connections, filter them accordingly and adjust specific modifications to control the network enviroment. A Proxy-Firewll is built, also simply known as Firewall. As Proxy-Servers are commonly used as ports between privat and public networks, they are protected from attacks. To record the network traffic, statics can be compiled and attacks from public networks can be detected.

Furthermore Proxy-Server requests can buffered to service repeated requests more efficient.

What is a VPN?

A virtual privat network (VPN) is a secured connetions of computers or networks via internet. The used encryption takes care of the necessary protection. Sent data is tap-proof and can not be manipulated while transmitting. 2 applications proved themselves:

  • »Site to Site« is used eg. to link multiple offices;
  • »Site to End« is used for work at home and mobile acces for company rescources.

Through internet access, VPN is very cost-sufficient. The used data is saved in packages and encripted to develop a tunnel for the different channels.