Data rescue from defect hard drives and other storage media

Date rescue of defect hard drives and other storage devises

Only, if necessary data is lost, you will recognise how valuable they are. Unfortunately a lot of users do not protect their data sufficiently. It also appears that hard drives get broken and backups are incomplete or are not available.

Till the day comes, the costs for reliable data storage is underestimated. Do not learn out of your faults! Always be one step ahead of data loss!

Hard drive defect? Do not panic!

If the hard drive is making unusual noise and the acces is bad or doesn't work at all, no rash disicions should be taked as this can make it more worse.

In most cases (more than 80%) lost data can be rescued. If a software cannot fix the problem, specialists open the storage devise in a cleaning room. Even in worse cases - eg. through fire or water - data can be reconstructured.