Printed matter in all kinds

Flyers, booklets, business cards and much more

Printed materials are an essential part of communication. Whether it is a business card, letterhead, flyers, catalogues, direct mail or booklets. The information must be presented in a way that content is understood quickly and that needs arrise. Particularly in designing of corporate booklets and product flyers, emotions play a crucial role. And choosing the right images is not to be underestimated.

Different formats

Flyers and booklets not necessarily have to be designed in a A4 format. Depending on the application, different formats can exert their own effects. It should be noted that the finished product is still used universally, for example, sent by mail or may be filed in folders.

From the initial layout to the print file

The design of printed materials is a creative process. Initially all the necessary components (text, graphics and images) are compiled and the respective subject areas are assigned. In the next step, the basic layout is defined and communicated with the client. After that the text, graphics and images are compiled. After final approval, the print data is processed (final artwork) and sent to the printers.

Choosing the right paper

There is a variety of paper availabe for the production of printing materials. In addition to standard paper, there are also high-quality varieties that are easy to grip in the hand, have unusual textures, are transparent or even have different colours. With the help of pattern sheets you can easily select your individual paper.

Flavoured colors

In addition to the digital and offset printing with 4 colors (CMYK), special colours like gold and silver are often used. Modern manufacturing techniques now make it possible but also the use of scented coatings, printing products which are more individually designed. A forestry operation could leave his scent Flyers by pine trees and Christmas cards smell of cinnamon.

Scented colours contain flavorings and can be applied as the last printing layer printing or just in parts. Rubbing on the paper surface, fine fragrance capsules are ruptured and aromas released. Contact always open a few capsules - for a long-lasting effect.