guidance and orientation systems lead the way

Guidance and orientation systems create clarity

Clear and comprehensive guidance systems allow a fast orientation in property, industrial and parking complexes. Especially in highly frequented facilities, like public buildings, clinics and companies guidance systems allow the exact location for the desired destination.

The way is not the goal

Subject to the location, information is provided to give exact directions. Complex and detailed guidance plans complicate the orientation and lead to confusion.

Abstraction is the instrument for the path

Good orientation systems are based on the exact reproduction of the realistic enviroment, which simplefy in such a way, that those familiar with the place find the goal without detour. The usage of relevant colours and familiar symbols (pictogram) orientation gets a system.

General and location plans

Well designed location plans meet high standards of comprehensibility, with the same amount of information. They necessarily don't comply with the realistic city planning, but rather point out the link between different locations. Aim is the comprehensive conditioning of complex relations.

Object signage

Contrary to conventional general location plans, the third dimension comes into play, when it comes to the signage of objects - especially in reproduction of multi-level properties. An essential challenge is the clear visualising of the current location - in relationship with all levels of the property.