Office templates alleviate your job

Document templates alleviate the job with office applications

A document template is a type of documet, which creates a copy of its selves, the moment you open the template.

Common correspondence, offers and invoices are often used documets, which for excample can be processed by Microsoft Word. That these do not have to be typed again, the use of document templates is advisable, which defines essential parameters like page layout, font, margin, enclosed graphics and other formats.

The advantage is that all docuements look the "same", impartial from whom they are edited.

Individual Office templates

Templates contain predetermined design and layout guidelines, which can be independently edited with content, whithout changing the appearance. We compile templates for all Office applications like word processing, PowerPoint, Spreadsheats and much, much more.

Microsoft® Office templates

All Microsoft Office applications provide a variety of document templates, which can be usded without any problems and freeof charge. But individual templates, according to your requirements, have to be compiled for the particular application.

The completly implement the guidelines of your corporate identity, so that the finished documents look the same in their appearance. Furthermore we can include different functions like a link to your Microsoft Outlook data base.

We compile individual templates for the following applications:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint